Cold Therapy After Getting Your Knee Scoped

A bad knee can harm many aspects of your life, and it’s even worse if you are an athlete because you rely on your knees to deliver the best performance every time you step onto the arena. Fortunately, knee scoping has proved to be quite effective in treating knee problems quickly and effectively.
But since knee scoping is a surgical procedure, you’ll need to undergo postoperative cold therapy to promote faster healing. This article discusses the benefits of cold therapy after getting your knee scoped.
What’s Knee Scoping?
Also known as knee arthroscopy, knee scoping is a less invasive procedure done on the knee joint to treat various knee disorders and injuries. The procedure involves using an arthroscope, a small surgical tool with a light and camera at the tip. It will be inserted into your bad knee to diagnose the cause of pain so that the doctor can recommend the right treatment.
Your doctor may advise you to go for knee scoping if you have chronic knee pain that doesn’t respond to non-surgical remedies like physical therapy, cortisone injection, or medicine. Knee scoping effectively treats pain caused by damaged cartilage or soft tissue.
Benefits of Cold Therapy After Knee Scoping
Recovery from knee arthroscopy typically takes one to two months. During this period, you’ll use crutches to walk and narcotic analgesics for pain relief. Your doctor will also advise you to follow a strict knee rehabilitation plan to restore your knee’s range of motion. You’ll also be required to wrap your knee with a compressive bandage and apply ice for 15-20 minutes several times a day. Here are the benefits of cold therapy after knee scoping.
Pain Relief
Cold therapy reduces blood flow to the surgical site, thus reducing inflammation and swelling. This type of therapy is particularly effective in treating joints and tendons, and it also reduces nerve activity in the affected area, which minimizes pain.
Faster Restoration of Range of Motion
You’ll need to exercise your kneeplasty regularly to restore its full range of motion. But with regular cold therapy, you can numb the joint to minimize pain while walking. Cold therapy also reduces inflammation in the knee joint, allowing it to move freely.
Faster Recovery
Cold therapy speeds up recovery by reducing circulation in the surgical area, thus reducing swelling and inflammation.