Awesome pain management hit the pad is worthless and not worth the money. I used it once and threw it away. Would not stick to pad and kept getting bundled up. I suggest you just wear a long sleeve T-shirt under.
Spoke to the Sales Consultant to help assist me in making the right decision for in-home cold therapy to provide the most benefit for a speedy recovery, post-op shoulder surgery for my spouse. The unit is compact and easy to use. I discovered that the battery pack allows for the ability to go from room to room, get out of the house and even travel in a car. The right choice for a few dollars more. The shoulder pad is lightweight and the unit delivers up to 12 hours of steady even cold temperature just perfect for proper healing vs. an ice pack. I needed the unit in a jiffy and it was delivered in time via free shipping. The price for the Breg unit is about the same as for a rental unit but the best part is that you get to keep it for future use for pain after a run, a hike, a workout etc. A variety of pads are available for the shoulder, back, knee, neck etc. to accommodate relief from pain.
Discounts available. Exceeded expectations. An excellent choice!